Labor market interventions in the form of coaching and matching (ACM)

Coaching and matching - A way into working life through labor market intervention

Are you in need of personalized support to enter the labor market? Then, we at Jobfind can help you.

As a participant of the action, you have access to the Jobfind Health Team. The team includes people with different specialties such as occupational therapists, vision specialists, sign language specialists, social workers, audiologists and special educators.

About the operation

The intervention takes place in four interrelated stages with the goal that you as a jobseeker will become self-sufficient.

1. Equip you for working life
2. Match you with a workplace
3. Support you to cope with and keep your new job
4. Follow-up over time in your new workplace

What is Coaching and Matching?
The Coaching and Matching service is aimed at you as a jobseeker who has chosen a provider:

  1. Equips you for the world of work, such as preparing application documents and interview training
    2. Matches you to a suitable workplace
    3. Provides you with support with the aim of enabling you to do your job and keep it over time
    4. Conduct follow-up after you have become self-sufficient

The job matching process is tailored to your individual needs. For example, in the case of language barriers, the intervention may involve a language traineeship as a first step before employment becomes relevant.

Jobfinds Health Team
As a participant of the action, you have access to the Jobfind Health Team. The team includes people with different specialties such as occupational therapists, vision specialists, sign language specialists, social workers, audiologists and special educators.

Are you interested in taking part in the Coaching and Matching service? Please get in touch with us via our contact form!

More questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch!