For employers

Is your company looking for staff?

We help your organization find the right skills and manpower to work and/or internship to meet your needs.

We offer free recruitment support by:

Matching the right person and skills with the employer’s needs
Support in how to investigate the possibility of wage subsidies and start-up jobs via the Swedish Public Employment Service
Arrange for the opportunity for an internship before employment
Organize recruitment meetings to find potential workforce quickly and easily
If necessary, we also organize short training initiatives for employers to increase competence in the Swedish labor market and its challenges
Recruiting new employees is time consuming and difficult.

It may also be the case that you need to increase your workforce but your budget is too tight – in this case, you can hire staff who are eligible for employment subsidies. Read more about employment subsidies and Nystartsjobb here!

Fill in our recruitment form below and we will come back with the right skills and support you through the process.

    New start jobs

    Do you want to know more about how you as an employer can receive financial support from the Swedish Public Employment Service by applying for a new start job?